
You can access this award-winning
CPD from anywhere
Established in 2008 at The Ottawa Hospital/University of Ottawa, Canada, CEMO is Continuing Professional Development for health professionals in rural and community emergency departments CLICK HERE TO VIEW OUR PROGRAMS

Fully Accredited

All CEMO sessions are accredited for CFPC Mainpro+ and RCPSC Section 1 credits.

CEMO’s Overall Program Goal is to update knowledge and skills in Emergency Medicine. We offer tailored, practical, and team-based continuing professional development. We want to empower you to manage cases in your community emergency department with confidence and to safely transfer patients when needed.

CEMO Brings evidence-based and best-practice education. Most importantly, our needs assessment process means that we tailor sessions to your needs. Not a one-size-fits-all program!

Learn together with your ED team. CEMO brings your team of doctors, nurses and pharmacists together to learn and problem-solve. You’ll gain practical solutions to clinical care challenges to apply in your department.

CEMO Speakers are University of Ottawa emergency physicians with academic expertise and a community-friendly outlook.

4 CEMO Programs

Award winning CPD

CEMO’s Director, Dr. Marianne Yeung has received:


Award for Excellence in CPD,
University of Ottawa Faculty of Medicine 2021


Janus CPD Grant for Faculty Development,
College of Family Physicians of Canada 2014


Innovation Fund grant,
Ministry of Health and Long-term Care of Ontario + Ontario Medical Association 2008

Emergency medicine colleagues value CEMO for:
